Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Plank Challenge

Since it's still semi off-season, I've been trying to figure out something new and different to do.  A couple of my friends just did this month long "plank challenge" and I thought that sounded like a great idea, thanks ladies!  It won't take a lot of effort (in the beginning) or very much time. And it could be fun! Everyone has 20 seconds-about 5 minutes to spare everyday.  I've rounded up a couple of friends (thanks Les and M!) to take on the challenge in December. If you're interested, let me don't have to be in Hawaii.  We are going to put together a text string or something else, to be determined, so that we can send photographic evidence that we complete each day of the challenge.    
One of my friends that just completed this challenge, ended day 28 with a 7-minute plank! That's impressive! Not quite sure I'll be able to make 7-minutes, 240-seconds sounds difficult, but challenge accepted.  I'm sure either Les or I will update you after the fact to let you know how it goes.  

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving....100x100s tomorrow! 

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