I decided to skip swimming for the evening and go paddling for the first time, prone paddling. We probably paddled about 2-3 miles, well maybe not 3, but definitely close to 2....I've been SUPing before, but this was the first time I'd been prone paddling and I think I've found a new hobby! I don't know how much I'll be able to fit it in, but it's a good time for sure and I think that skipping swimming for this was alright based on the sorness of my shoulders/upper back and arms! I might start incorporating this into the rotation every once in a while, it was fun!
Anyways, Thursdays.....I usually meet Kim and Co. at Honolulu Club for a strength class and then we spin with Raul afterwards. Well given the circumstances this past weekend, Kim and I decided to take it to the roads and hit up Tantalus for some early morning fun. What a great view for a morning ride....
Some tropical tantalus roads on a beautiful Thursday morning....
Love, love, love my new kit!
Time for a bit of rest and then an evening run at Kakaako with the BOCA crew!