Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Swim Workouts

For as long as I've been swimming, I always have a difficult time coming up with interesting, fun workouts, for me, to do on my own. Create a workout for someone else, NOT PROBLEM! I've coached enough people in the water to know what it takes to make a good workout and have been swimming long enough to know what's boring, what's beneficial, what's interesting, but come up with something for me and it's a completely different story. I can go to the pool and put in the yards/meters, etc, but it's always hard for me to come up with something purposeful for myself. So I'm making an effort in the next few weeks to come up with purposeful, maybe not super creative, but beneficial, pool workouts for myself.

Here's a few I've done:
(you choose your own intervals)

600 warm up
2x 5x50 descend stroke count and time RI :10

2 x 200 2nd one faster than the first RI :10
4 x 100 descend 1-4
8 x 50 best effort
400 cruise PBB

300 warm down/3000 meters
1000 warm up

500 t-pace minus :05
400 t-pace minus :05
300 t-pace minus :05
200 t-pace minus :05
100 t-pace minus :05

2 x 300 Negative Split RI :15

400 PBB/3500meters
1000 warm up
10 x 75 KDS

1 x 400 RI :10
2 x 300 RI :10
3 x 200 RI: 05
4 x 100 RI :05

250 warm down/4000 yards
and to show you how NOT creative I am for myself (I blame Jerry Foley for all his 8, 6, 4, 2's) yesterday's easy swim consisted of:

1000 swim
5 x 100 t-pace minus :05
1000 breathing 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 by 50
5 x 100 PBB/3000 meters

Happy Swimming

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